Friday, December 23, 2011

Moment of death and it's trials

  Life of a believer is more like a plant, as much as it requires water for it's sustenance, so does a believer but from Qur'an and Sunnah. Reading Qur'an frequently and the sunnah softens the heart and gravitates one towards piety and the fear of Allah.  When Umm Habiba(r.a) the wife of Messenger of Allah(s.a.w) made the following dua:  ' Ya Allah, give me pleasure by giving a long life to my husband Rasulullah(s.a.w), and to my father Abu Sufyan(r.a), and to my brother Muawiyya(r.a). The Messenger of Allah(s.a.w) told her : ' You are supplicating towards Allah in regard to fixed terms, counted days and ordained provisions which are already divided?' If you had asked Allah ta'ala to save you from Hell fire, and the punishment of the grave, that would have been better for you'. The hadith mentioned here emphasizes the importance of supplicating for future good in the hereafter than the existing one which is fixed and bound to pass away. However long one might live, death will finally come to him eventually, and it is only Allah ta'ala who lives forever and He mentions that in suratul Qassas 88 :  Everything that exists will perish except His own Face. To Him belongs the command, and to Him you will be brought back. The transition that a dying person undergoes from the present world he is about to depart, to that which he is about to enter- Akheera(hereafter) is a difficult one. The trials that accompany this final hour is mighty and for that reason we seek Allah's help everyday during our salat by saying : Allahumma inna naudhu bika min fitnatil mahyaa wal mamat ( Ya Allah, we seek refuge in you from the trials of life and death) . The ineffable feeling of crossing the boundary between this world and the next cannot be described in words, nor imagined in the mind, but can be understood only through divine revelation and inspiration. During saakhra - a semi conscious state when one drifts on and off in the last moments, Allah ta'ala revealed to us the stages that one undergoes before death and the awareness of the dying person at that time in the following verses :  No! When the soul has reached the collar bones, And it is said, Who will cure him?' And the dying one will be certain it is the time of parting, And one leg will be joined with another, That Day the drive will be towards your lord :75: 26-30. Now that we know the inevitable route we will be taking sooner or later in our lives, why don't we seek safety with Allah before it is too late to do so? My brothers and sisters in Islam, lets go back to the straight path and remember the promises of Allah to his believing servants and the promise of Allah ta'ala is true and concrete.

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